Mögliche Themen für B.Sc. und M.Sc. Arbeiten in der Abt. Bioklimatologie

In order to make the assignment and supervision of B.Sc. and M.Sc. theses in our Bioclimatology Group more transparent and fairer, the following application procedure should be applied.

Theses Day

Once every semester, we invite all Bachelor and Master students that are interested in writing a thesis in the Bioclimatology Group to our Theses Day. On this day, we supervisors introduce ourselves, present ideas for thesis topics, possible research questions, and the necessary methodology. Please find below the dates for the upcoming Theses Days and sign up for it under stud.IP (Course: Bioclimatology Theses Day).

How It Works

If you are interested in a specific thesis topic, you can apply for it by writing an email to the respective supervisor (within one month after Theses Day, see deadline below). This email may already include your motivation, possible research questions and hypotheses, your skills, and a rough time schedule.
The supervisor will organize a meeting with all interested students to discuss the details and (if needed) select a candidate. Feedback by the supervisor will be provided shortly thereafter.

More information about the application, possible topics, and the general supervision will be given on the Theses Day.

Writing thesis during... Thesis Day Application Deadline
... summer semester 2025 Jan 14, 2025, 10:15-11:30
FSR 2.7, Büsgenweg 2
Feb 07, 2025
... winter semester 2024/25 Jul 11, 2024, 14:00-15:00
FSR 2.7, Büsgenweg 2
Aug 01, 2024

Possible Topics

Some topics listed below can be worked on as B.Sc. or M.Sc. thesis and thematically adapted accordingly. The thesis can be written in German or English in our group. Own suggestions for topics are also always welcome. Please, also note that each supervisor will only supervise 1-3 theses per semester.

  • Drought extremes and forest vitality in Central Europe since 2018: a meta-analytical approach to methodologies and impacts (Bella Smekal)
    Drought has emerged as a significant stressor for forest ecosystems in Central Europe, with events since 2018 highlighting their vulnerability to extreme climatic conditions. These events have had profound impacts on forest vitality, such as declining canopy health, increased tree mortality, and shifts in species resilience. Understanding these effects requires a comprehensive assessment of how drought is defined, measured, and studied within the scientific community.
    This study combines a meta-analysis and literature review to evaluate the methodologies used to investigate drought impacts on forests. Key aspects include the definitions of drought, the environmental parameters assessed (e.g., drought indices, mortality rates, and canopy condition), and the datasets employed, whether terrestrial or satellite-based. The analysis aims to identify consistent patterns and discrepancies across studies, evaluate the explanatory power of different methodologies, and map regional trends in research density. Special attention is given to the differential responses among tree species and the role of legacy effects from past droughts.

  • Investigating the transpiration process dynamics from plant scale to plot scale in a cropland with high resolution measurements (Gökben Demir, Christian Markwitz)
    Please find more information here.

  • Scaling of evaporation and CO2 exchange from leaf to ecosystem scale over an agricultural area (Christian Markwitz)
    In the context of this work, evapotranspiration and CO2 exchange should be measured at the agricultural experimental farm Reinshof (i) by means of hand measurements with a photosynthesis device (LI-6800) and (ii) the evapotranspiration and photosynthesis rates measured on leaf scale should be scaled to the ecosystem and compared with direct eddy covariance measurements. The measurements should be carried out under different environmental conditions over the course of a growing season. The results should give an indication of the reliability of the CO2 and energy fluxes measured at the Reinshof site.

  • Derivation of the 'greenness index' from phenological camera images and analysis of the relationship to carbon uptake at the Reinshof field site (Christian Markwitz)
    For more than two years, phenological camera photos of the vegetation have been taken every half hour at the Reinshof experimental farm. From these photos, the 'greenness' parameter can be derived, which indicates how high the green content is. This index correlates positively with the CO2 uptake. The aim of this work is to derive the greenness index from the phenological camera images and to correlate it with the CO2 uptake and other meteorological parameters. This requires a good knowledge of a programming language, e.g. R or Python. The phenopix R package is used to evaluate the photos.

  • Development of an alternative method for measuring the sensible and latent heat flux over a grassland (Christian Markwitz)
    The eddy covariance method is considered the standard method for measuring vertical energy, water and greenhouse gas fluxes. An eddy covariance system consists of a fast wind sensor, a so-called three-dimensional ultrasonic anemometer, and a gas analyser that measures, for example, the CO2 or H2O concentration. The covariance of the fast measured (20 Hz) vertical wind component and the optional CO2 or H2O concentration then results in a CO2 or H2O flux. The aim of this work is to derive both the sensible and the latent heat flux from the fast wind measurements using an ultrasonic anemometer and an additional fast temperature measurement. This is a highly experimental topic and includes the joint installation of the additional temperature sensor and the subsequent evaluation of the data. A good knowledge of a programming language, e.g. R or Python, is required for this. The measurements are carried out during the vegetation period in the Forest Botanical Garden, Göttingen.

  • Multiple regression between fluxes and meteorological drivers at agroforestry and monocropping sites (José Ángel Callejas Rodelas)
    Within the SIGNAL project, we have collected data over the last 5 years from a total of 12 stations, located at 10 different agroforestry and monocropping agricultural systems. We have time series of meteorological data, CO2 and energy fluxes (latent heat LE and sensible heat H). The goal of this thesis project would be to work with the time series of all the sites and perform a multiple regression, based on some Python or R package, to understand which are the main meteorological drivers (radiation, vapor pressure deficit, etc.) for the different flux components (CO2, LE, H). The relations will be evaluated at different scales, from the multi-year to the seasonal and monthly scale. Some initial hypotheses can be evaluated, such as the following: solar radiation is the main driver of fluxes in both agroforestry and monocropping systems; vapor pressure deficit is a more important driver of fluxes in the monocropping, due to the absence of buffering effect of trees in temperature and relative humidity; etc.
    No data collection will be performed during this thesis. The data to be used will be provided. An initial goal could be to analyze first only two adjacent field sites (one agroforestry and one monocropping) and perform the multiple regression across the whole available time period. Depending on time and performance of the student, the analysis can be extended further beyond.
    - Basic/medium programming knowledge (preferably Python, but any other language is welcome)
    - Basic courses in bioclimatology (interactions ecosystem-atmosphere) or in meteorology

  • Sink/source partitioning of GPP and Reco based on footprint modeling above agroforestry and monocropping sites (José Ángel Callejas Rodelas)
    An important feature when studying ecosystems’ carbon cycle is the partitioning of Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), gathered from eddy covariance measurements, into the photosynthesis (Gross Primary Production, GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) components. Furthermore, when evaluating carbon fluxes above an ecosystem, it is important to understand the distribution of sources and sinks of CO2, especially if the ecosystem is heterogeneous. Land surface heterogeneity induces irregular spatial distribution of sources and sinks of CO2.
    In the SIGNAL project, we have collected data over the last 5 years from a total of 12 stations, located at 10 different agroforestry and monocropping agricultural systems. We have time series of meteorological data, CO2 and energy fluxes (latent heat LE and sensible heat H). All the agroforestry sites and some of the monocropping sites are heterogeneous, with different crops being grown together and different management practices happening in different areas around our measuring stations.
    The goal of this MSc thesis would be to run a simple footprint model (from Kljun et al., 2015) corresponding to a time series of few months during the growing season, for two of the sites in SIGNAL, two adjacent agroforestry and monocropping sites, and relate the footprint information to the magnitude and the sign of the carbon fluxes. The time series of meteorological data, NEE, GPP and Reco will be provided. By identifying specific periods and classifying data in wind directions, the student will be able to separate the behavior of specific parts of the ecosystem and to understand the relevance of those periods in the whole ecosystem development.
    - Basic/medium programming knowledge (preferably Python, but any other language is welcome)
    - Basic courses in bioclimatology (interactions ecosystem-atmosphere) or in meteorology
    - Basic/medium skills in working with spatial information (to combine footprint modeling with flux information) – either using a programming software or some GIS processing tool

  • Characterization of uncertainty based on machine learning code for gap-filling CO2, LE and H fluxes (José Ángel Callejas Rodelas)
    The basic assumptions of the eddy covariance technique and the intrinsic difficulties in its deployment cause always missing data in the time series of CO2, latent heat and sensible heat fluxes. In order to perform year or multi-year carbon and water balances, different techniques are employed to gap-fill the time series. Despite the large acceptance of some methods in the community, their robustness is compromised when the gaps in the time series are very long (few weeks or months), and especially if the gaps are not well distributed across the year, e.g. a lot of missing data in winter and not in summer. Due to this, different machine learning algorithms have been used in the last years to provide more robust gap-filling.
    In the SIGNAL project, we have collected data over the last 5 years from a total of 12 stations, located at 10 different agroforestry and monocropping agricultural systems. We have time series of meteorological data, CO2 and energy fluxes (latent heat LE and sensible heat H). Meteorological data have been filled by using the nearby German Weather Service (DWD) stations. Flux data have been filled by using the Extreme Gradient Boosting algorithm, adapted from the code used in Vekuri et al. (2023). The performance of the algorithm seems satisfying, in the sense that it keeps diel and seasonal patterns and that it understands well the relations between the meteorological drivers and the fluxes. However, this algorithm does not provide an uncertainty estimation for the filled data. Using the root mean squared error (RMSE) or the mean bias in the 30-min period is not robust enough, because we have very long gaps.
    The goal of this MSc thesis would be to develop...
    - ... a quality flag for the filled data, assigning a coding system (such as from 0 to 3) to the filled fluxes depending on their reliability. This reliability would be tested depending on how long the gap is, how much information is there around the specific gap being filled, whether the meteorological data used to drive the gap-filling in that specific period are measured or filled, etc.
    - ... a more robust uncertainty estimator, based on the quality flag, which is independent on the length of the time series, but can be propagated when performing cumulative sums for annual or multi-annual budgets of carbon or evapotranspiration.
    - Basic/medium programming knowledge (preferably Python, but any other language is welcome)
    - Basic courses in bioclimatology (interactions ecosystem-atmosphere) or in meteorology

  • Evaporation and transpiration from leaf to ecosystem scale over an agricultural area (Anas Emad)
    In the context of this work, transpiration should be measured at the agricultural experimental farm Reinshof (i) by means of hand measurements with a photosynthesis device (LI-6800) and (ii) the water fluxes measured on leaf scale should be scaled to the ecosystem and compared with direct eddy covariance measurements. The measurements should be carried out under different environmental conditions over the course of a growing season. The results should give an indication of the reliability of energy fluxes measured at the Reinshof site.

  • Survey and analysis of soil carbon data at Hainich study site (Anne Klosterhalfen, Marion Schrumpf)
    In March/April 2025, a soil sampling campaign must be carried out in the Hainich National Park and here we are looking for support. Further, the collected soil samples have to be prepared in the lab for chemical analysis. The latter will be conducted by the MPI-BGC Jena. Based on this newly collected data and on soil carbon data from previous sampling campaigns, the changes in soil carbon and other characteristics of this forest stand can be analyzed. In addition, a soil carbon model can be developed to simulate the carbon dynamics within this near-natural forest ecosystem. This thesis is offered by the Department of Bioclimatology in close collaboration with the Research Group Soil Biogeochemistry of the MPI-BGC Jena.

  • Comparison of two meteorological compact measuring instruments (Anne Klosterhalfen)
    At our study sites in the Forstbotanischer Garten, Göttingen, and Jambi, Indonesia, measurements of meteorological parameters (such as humidity, temperature, pressure, precipitation, wind speed and direction, as well as radiation), have been carried out for some time using two different compact measuring devices. The aim is to evaluate these two measuring devices with regard to their comparability to each other and to additional sensors. For this comparison, various temporal scales should be considered.

  • Developement of a quality assessment approach for meteorological data (Anne Klosterhalfen)
    Various approaches to check and assess the quality of meteorological measurements of our study sites should be compared. This study will include a literature research for the various approaches, the application of these approaches with the R or python programming languages to the existing measurements, and a thorough comparison of the filtered data. For the various meteorological variables a different combination of approaches can be of advantage.