All press releases
How we understand causality -
Pressemitteilung, 18.01.2022
How people acquire and use knowledge about causal relationships is the focus of a new project at the Georg Elias Müller Institute of Psychology at the University of Göttingen. The Reinhart Kos…
Form follows function -
Pressemitteilung, 11.01.2022
The computational neuroscientist Professor Alexander Ecker from Göttingen University and the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization has received a Starting Grant from the Euro…
Daring to leave gaps in the genome -
Pressemitteilung, 23.12.2021
Genetic information is now indispensable for modern plant breeding. Genome sequencing is now much cheaper than it was, but still accounts for a large part of the costs in animal and plant bree…
Switching in the brain: a fresh perspective -
Pressemitteilung, 22.12.2021
The human brain is extremely dynamic. The connections between nerve cells change when we learn or forget. But our brain’s computations change even faster than its structure: in a heartbeat, we…
Innovative X-ray imaging shows Covid-19 can cause vascular damage to the heart -
Pressemitteilung, 21.12.2021
An interdisciplinary research team from the University of Göttingen and Hannover Medical School (MHH) has detected significant changes in the heart muscle tissue of people who died from Covid-…
Der zerstreute Professor: Was Eremiten und Gelehrte verbindet -
Pressemitteilung, 21.12.2021
Während Einsamkeit heute überwiegend als Problem wahrgenommen wird, war der Rückzug aus der Gesellschaft über viele Jahrhunderte ein beliebter Trend. Vor allem im Mittelalter standen Eremiten …
Strategies of the forest during extreme drought -
Pressemitteilung, 17.12.2021
How do tropical rainforests and their plants react to extreme drought? Understanding these processes is crucial to making forests more resilient to the increasing risk of drought due to climat…
Using videos and farmer-to-farmer learning to make agriculture more sustainable -
Pressemitteilung, 16.12.2021
Smallholder family farms shape the agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, they are often af-fected by declining soil fertility as well as hunger and poverty. Farming practices th…
Benefits of cacao farms for birds and bats -
Pressemitteilung, 15.12.2021
Cacao farms not only provide us with the pleasure of chocolate, but also offer potential advantages for biodiversity-friendly agriculture. The benefits to biodiversity have been widely studied…
Göttingen University: successful again in Philipp Schwartz Initiative -
Pressemitteilung, 14.12.2021
Success in the most recent award round of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative: another scholarship for a scholar at risk goes to the University of Göttingen. This means that the University managed…
Learning and protecting itself: how the brain adapts -
Pressemitteilung, 10.12.2021
The brain is a remarkably complex and adaptable organ. However, adaptability decreases with age: as new connections between nerve cells in the brain form less easily, the brain's plasticity de…
100,000 tests by Campus Covid Screen -
Pressemitteilung, 10.12.2021
Göttingen University continues to benefit from its optional and free testing service available for all its students and staff. On Friday 10 December, staff at the Campus Covid Screen (CCS) tes…
Understanding brain circuitry -
Pressemitteilung, 10.12.2021
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has extended its funding for the research group in Neurobiology at Göttingen University for another three years. The Research Unit "Dissection of a Brain C…
Making childbirth safer in Indonesia -
Pressemitteilung, 08.12.2021
Every year, 295,000 maternal deaths, 2 million stillbirths, and 2.5 million neonatal deaths occur worldwide. Improved quality of care could prevent the majority of those deaths. For this reaso…
How well are alternative feedstuffs received by the end consumer? -
Pressemitteilung, 07.12.2021
Despite shifts towards vegan and vegetarian diets in Western cultures, demand for animal protein persists. Alternative protein sources are required to nourish the growing world population with…