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All press releases

Birds, bees and bats working together means more macadamia nuts - Pressemitteilung, 05.11.2024
An international research team led by the universities of Göttingen and Hohenheim in Germany has gained new insights into how the interaction of birds, bees and bats significantly increases th…

Islands are key to protecting plant biodiversity - Pressemitteilung, 30.10.2024
From Tasmania to Madagascar to New Guinea, islands make up just over five per cent of Earth’s land. Yet, new research reveals that islands are home to over 31 per cent of the world’s plant spe…

New approaches to synthesize compounds for pharmaceutical research - Pressemitteilung, 28.10.2024
Junior Professor Johannes Walker, University of Göttingen, has been awarded an Exploration Grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation. Walker teaches and carries out research at the Instit…

More resources needed to protect birds in Germany - Pressemitteilung, 24.10.2024
Researchers at the Göttingen University and Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) developed citizen science platforms as a new data source to evaluate the effectiveness of the 742 protected…

Foundation Committee strongly rejects Senate's proposal - Pressemitteilung, 22.10.2024
At its special meeting on 21 October 2024, the University Foundation Committee discussed the Senate's proposal to vote out the President of the University of Göttingen, Professor Metin Tolan. …

Biodiversity change amidst disappearing human traditions - Pressemitteilung, 17.10.2024
A Branco Weiss Fellowship – Society in Science has been awarded to Dr Gergana Daskalova. The fellowship funds Daskalova’s research project “Biodiversity change amidst disappearing human tradit…

Nitrogen pollution drives forest plants west - Pressemitteilung, 11.10.2024
The movement of plant species across Europe has mainly been attributed to climate change. However, a new study shows that other environmental factors play an important role. An international r…

University of Göttingen in Germany’s top ten - Pressemitteilung, 10.10.2024
Good results for the University of Göttingen. In the current university ranking of the UK’s Times Higher Education (THE), Göttingen was able to maintain its position of 10th place in Germany. …

Skill and technique in Bronze Age spear combat - Pressemitteilung, 08.10.2024
How can we tell whether and how a prehistoric weapon was used? How can we better understand the dexterity and combat skills involved in Bronze Age spear fighting? A research team including Göt…

Senate passes motion to vote out the President - Pressemitteilung, 02.10.2024
On 2 October 2024, the motion to vote out the President, Professor Metin Tolan, was submitted at a special meeting of the Senate of the University of Göttingen. The senators present voted in f…

Mystery of Uruguay’s amethyst geodes - Pressemitteilung, 01.10.2024
Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz which has been used as a gemstone for many centuries and is a key economic resource in northern Uruguay. Amethyst geodes have been found in cooled lava f…

Tollense valley battlefield: arrowheads indicate violent, transregional conflicts in the Bronze Age - Pressemitteilung, 23.09.2024
In the Tollense valley in Northern Germany, researchers have been investigating the remains of Europe's oldest battlefield since 2008. The remains found point to a violent conflict involving h…

Megadiverse flowering plant family on isolated islands - Pressemitteilung, 20.09.2024
Asteraceae, a family of flowering plants are the most diverse group of flowering plants in the world. This plant family comprises around 34,000 species. A research team found that an unexpecte…

Greenwashing in food labelling - Pressemitteilung, 12.09.2024
A research team led by Göttingen University found that the label ‘climate neutral’ makes food appear significantly more climate-friendly than it actually is. Even when information about how th…

Honey bees fly to organic farming - Pressemitteilung, 21.08.2024
Honey bees are valued both for their honey and their ability to pollinate crops. However, populations are suffering from the loss of areas of wild flowers in intensive farming, pesticide appli…