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What is the true cost to companies of IT security? - Pressemitteilung, 26.05.2021
How can companies evaluate whether specific measures taken will strengthen their Information Technology (IT) security? How can they find out what the real costs to their business will be? Rese…

Apps to fight a crisis? - Pressemitteilung, 18.05.2021
How can apps like the Corona-Warn app help combat the pandemic? How can people use their data to help manage crises in our society without putting their data at risk of misuse? What role can t…

Reduced plant species richness means insects at risk - Pressemitteilung, 17.05.2021
Where plant species diversity decreases, insect diversity decreases too and with it biodiversity as a whole. From the intensively managed meadows and pastures to dense and dark beech forests, …

What does your voice say about you? - Pressemitteilung, 11.05.2021
Everyone has at some point been charmed by the sound of a person’s voice: but can we believe our ears? What can a voice really reveal about our character? Now an international research team le…

Popcorn! Packaging for the future? - Pressemitteilung, 07.05.2021
Modern packaging must do much more than simply meet the specific requirements for transport, storage and presentation: it must also be sustainable. A research group at the University of Göttin…

Fundamental regulation mechanism of proteins discovered - Pressemitteilung, 05.05.2021
Proteins perform a vast array of functions in the cell of every living organism with critical roles in almost every biological process. There are numerous chemical switches that control the st…

Scrap for cash before coins - Pressemitteilung, 05.05.2021
How did people living in the Bronze Age manage their finances before money became widespread? Researchers from the Universities of Göttingen and Rome have discovered that bronze scrap found in…

Revealing the secret cocoa pollinators - Pressemitteilung, 03.05.2021
The importance of pollinators to ensure successful harvests and thus global food security is widely acknowledged. However, the specific pollinators for even major crops – such as cocoa – haven…

Data specialists with in-depth knowledge - Pressemitteilung, 03.05.2021
In this coming winter semester, the University of Göttingen is establishing a Master's programme in Applied Data Science. Students will specialise in dealing with large amounts of data, and ho…

Food Consumption during Covid-19: regional and sustainable please! - Pressemitteilung, 28.04.2021
For the third time during the pandemic, researchers at the University of Göttingen have surveyed consumers in Germany. Participants filled in questionnaires about their shopping, eating and co…

Branching worm with dividing internal organs growing in sea sponge - Pressemitteilung, 26.04.2021
The marine worm Ramisyllis multicaudata, which lives within the internal canals of a sponge, is one of only two such species possessing a branching body, with one head and multiple posterior e…

Human Cognition and Behavior research building recommended for funding - Pressemitteilung, 26.04.2021
With a rating that was overall outstanding, the German Council of Science and Humanities has recommended that funding be given for the planned Human Cognition and Behavior (HuCaB) research bui…

New methods: faster, safer, greener - Pressemitteilung, 22.04.2021
Professor of Chemistry, Lutz Ackermann from Göttingen University has received an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC will fund his project "Electrochemical Bond Fu…

Global sustainability: call for a combination of organic farming and genetic engineering - Pressemitteilung, 21.04.2021
The EU’s "Farm-to-Fork" strategy aims to make European agriculture and its food systems more sustainable, and in particular to increase the proportion of organic farming. However, an increase …

Revealing the routes of the Hanseatic era online - Pressemitteilung, 14.04.2021
The Hanseatic League was a confederation of merchant guilds and market towns in Northwestern and Central Europe, which came to dominate trade in the region for three hundred years. A digital p…