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Knowledge-sharing: a How-To Guide - Pressemitteilung, 12.12.2019
How is knowledge exchanged and shared when interdisciplinary research teams work together? Professor Margarete Boos and Lianghao Dai from the University of Göttingen have investigated this by …

Harnessing nature’s defences against tsunamis - Pressemitteilung, 11.12.2019
As sea levels rise and adverse weather events become more common, vulnerable coastal communities are at increasing risk of devastation from storm surges and tsunamis. An international research…

Natural ecosystems protect against climate change - Pressemitteilung, 10.12.2019
The identification of natural carbon sinks and understanding how they work is critical if humans are to mitigate global climate change. This study, led by the University of Göttingen with the …

Leibniz Prize for Göttingen theologian - Pressemitteilung, 06.12.2019
The theologian Professor Thomas Kaufmann from the University of Göttingen has been awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 2020 by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The DFG thus honour…

How much will we eat in the future? - Pressemitteilung, 04.12.2019
The amount of food needed to feed the world's population in the future is of vital importance. To date, scientists have only considered this question from the perspective of how much food peop…

Supermarkets and child nutrition in Africa - Pressemitteilung, 29.11.2019
Hunger and undernutrition are still widespread problems in Africa. At the same time, overweight, obesity, and related chronic diseases are also on the rise. Recent research suggested that the …

The simultaneous merging of giant galaxies - Pressemitteilung, 21.11.2019
An international research team led by scientists from Göttingen and Potsdam proved for the first time that the galaxy NGC 6240 contains three supermassive black holes. The unique observations,…

How plants handle stress - Pressemitteilung, 18.11.2019
Plants get stressed too. Environmental factors such as drought or a high concentration of salt in the soil disrupt their physiology. All land plants, from liverwort to rye, use a complex signa…

Gender quotas in Business – how do Europeans feel? - Pressemitteilung, 12.11.2019
Despite years of effort to bring more women to the top boards of business, the proportion of women on the committees of listed companies remains in the single digits. Despite this, quotas are …

University of Göttingen und HAWK recruit eleven digitisation professorships - Pressemitteilung, 11.11.2019
Eleven of the total of forty digitisation professorships funded by the State of Lower Saxony will go to the University of Göttingen and the HAWK. The joint application "Data Science Region Sou…

Fluctuating between solid and liquid - Pressemitteilung, 07.11.2019
Depending on the temperature, water freezes to ice and ice melts back to water. This process, known in science as “phase transition”, is well known in everyday life. However, in order to achie…

Transformation of higher education - Pressemitteilung, 06.11.2019
The University of Göttingen and eight other universities from all over Europe have formally launched a new network of higher education called “Enlight”. In a letter of intent, the nine partner…

Less fertilizer and no herbicide but same yield? - Pressemitteilung, 05.11.2019
Environmentally friendlier palm oil production could be achieved with less fertilizer and no herbicide, while maintaining profits. These are the encouraging preliminary results of the first tw…

Insect decline more widespread than expected - Pressemitteilung, 30.10.2019
In many areas, around a third fewer insect species can be found than a decade ago. This is the result of a study by an international research team including scientists from the University of G…

Nerve cell protection free from side effects - Pressemitteilung, 24.10.2019
The hormone erythropoietin (Epo) is a well-known doping substance in endurance sports, such as cycling. In addition to promoting red blood cell production, which improves the oxygen supply in …