Former student assistants

Kira Vörtmann worked as a student assistant at the Geschäftsstelle der Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Einrichtungen für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung in Niedersachsen (LAGEN).

Lisa Ellen Abbenhardt was a postgraduate research assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from August 2015 to December 2015.

Areti-Kristin Bouras worked at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from November 2021 to August 2022 and supported the projects "ENLIGHT TRANSFORM" and "Schlözer Programme Teacher Education". She is currently a researcher at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute and the Department of Political Science at the University of Göttingen.

Lisa Brünig worked as a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from January 2018 to March 2020.

Lisa Brünig is currently the coordinator of the Competence Centre for Gender-Sensitive Medicine at the Institute for Ethics, History and Philosophy of Medicine at the Hannover Medical School:

Hannah Clausen was a student assistant in the project "Care, Career, Corona: Study on the influence of the Corona pandemic on the working conditions and future opportunities of young academics, especially those with care responsibilities at the University of Göttingen" in 2020.

Katharina Ebert was a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute during her studies in Sociology and Economic and Social Psychology at the University of Göttingen.

Tobias Extra worked as a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from April 2020 to October 2021 and supported the team in the project of the Schlözer Programme Teacher Education in the field of action "Doing justice to diversity".

Miriam Flöricke worked from June 2022 to February 2023 as a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute and supported in particular the preparation of the ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference.

Theresa Fortströer worked from January to May 2023 as a research assistant in the project "Social scientific study accompanying the Smart Farm OWL project, Technical University of Ostwestfalen-Lippe (TH OWL)" at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute.

Annika Hack worked at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute in the project "ENLIGHT TRANSFORM" from November 2021 to January 2022.

Winona Hagendorf worked as a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from February 2020 to May 2022 and supported the professorship at the chair "Sociology of Diversity".

She is currently a corporate coach with Beramí e.V.

Luisa Heidorn was a student assistant for the project "Diversity Turn in Land Use Science: The importance of social diversity for sustainable land use innovations using the example of vanilla cultivation in Madagascar" at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute.

Pascal Heisterüber worked from July 2016 to December 2017 as a student assistant in the project "Diversity Turn in Land Use Science: The Importance of Social Diversity for Sustainable Land Use Innovations using the Example of Vanilla Cultivation in Madagascar" at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute.

Pascal Heisterüber is currently youth secretary at ver.di (Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft):

Irina Herb was a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from April 2015 to mid-July 2016.

Irina Herb is currently a researcher at the University of Jena.

Friederike Fiona Hill was a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from April 2014 to May 2015.

Isa Hölldobler worked as a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from July 2018 to May 2020.

Susan Jung worked as a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from February 2020 to May 2021, supporting Dr. Astrid Biele Mefebue.

B. D. Kühnert was a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from October 2015 to September 2018.

Kirstin Liesert worked as a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from May 2021 to December 2021 and supports the EU cooperation project "Polarisation of society exemplified by the extension of EU directives on the human rights of sexual minorities (PoGeSeMi)".

Nyasha Löhmann Yamegni worked as a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from January 2020 to July 2023.

Lea Marquardt was a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute.

Maria Maske was a student assistant in the project "Care, Career, Corona: Study on the influence of the Corona pandemic on the working conditions and future opportunities of young researchers, especially those with care responsibilities at the University of Göttingen" from September to December 2020.

Maria Maske currently works as Community Manager at PANDA | The Women Leadership Network.

Lisa Matalla worked as a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from July to December 2018 for the 10th European Feminist Research Conference, which took place in September 2018.

Lisa Matalla currently works as a manager and project leader at Aufklärungsprojekt München e.V.:

Stina Mentzing worked as a student assistant for the LAGEN until January 2024.

Samira Mummelthey worked as a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from September 2018 to January 2020.

Samira Mummelthey is currently a research assistant in the "Schlözer Programme Teacher Education II": Field of action C "Diversity-conscious teacher education":

Wonderful W. Odita has been working as a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute since January 2018 in support of the 10th European Feminist Research Conference.

Von Mai bis September 2020 war Celia Onsurbe Castellanos als studentische Hilfskraft in der Diversity-Forschung tätig und unterstützte S. Annette Witherspoon in dem Projekt "Diversity Turn in Land Use Science: the importance of Social Diversity for sustainable land use innovations using the example of vanilla farmers in Madagascar".

Vladislav Rende worked as a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from January 2020 to July 2021 and supported the professorship at the chair "Sociology of Diversity".

Luisa Rolfes was a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from April to September 2017 in the project "Diversity Turn in Land Use Science" as well as in the organisation of the network meeting of diversity researchers 2017.

Malani Schlüter was a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute until the end of January 2018.

Björn Schneider was a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from October 2017 until September 2019.

Lea Seidel was a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute.

Hannah Sommerschuh worked as a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from February to April 2020.

Stefanie Storch worked as a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from May 2021 to December 2021 and supported the team in the collaborative project "Polarisation of society using the example of the extension of the EU directives on the human rights of sexual minorities (PoGeSeMi)".

Sumera Syed worked as a student assistant at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute from May 2019 to April 2021 and supported the team in the project "Diversity, participation and cohesion in the community: science and practice in exchange for a future in diversity" as well as in digital teaching and study coordination.

Sumera Syed is currently a project coordinator at the University of Hohenheim.

Last updated: January 2025