Discussion Papers
The CRC-PEG Discussion Papers and abstracts are available [here].
- No. 293: Stehl, Depenbusch, Vollmer (2023)
The global income gap to a healthy diet - No. 292: Wójcik, Bommer, Naeher, Vollmer (2022)
The long-term consequences of the global 1918 influenza pandemic: A systematic analysis of census data from 51 countries - No.291: Reuter, Bärnighausen, Vollmer (2022)
Parental Health, Children’s Education and Unintended Consequences of State Support: Quasi-experimental evidence from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa - No.290: Ahmad, Naeher, Vollmer (2022)
The Political Economy of Patent Buyouts - No.289: Rogge, Khan, Khan, Noon, Landmann, Vollmer (2021)
The Effect of Personalized Health Information on Preventive Behavior amongst Risk Groups: a Randomized Experiment in Pakistan during the COVID-19 Pandemic - No.288: Balasubramanian, Burchi, Malerba (2021)
Does economic growth reduce multidimensional poverty? Evidence from low and middle-income countries - No.287: Bogler, Bommer, Ebert, Kumar, Subramanian, Subramanyam, Vollmer (2021)
Effects of a large-scale Participatory Learning and Action Programme in Women’s Groups on Health, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial in Bihar, India - No.286: Mittal, Parigi, Vollmer (2021)
Social Cohesion among Syrian und Turkish children, adolescents, and young adults in Turkey - No.285: Ebert, Klasen, Vollmer (2021)
Counting Missing Women – A Reconciliation of the `Flow Measure’ and the `Stock Measure’ - No.284: Marcus, Reuter, Rogge, Vollmer (2021)
The Effect of SMS Reminders on Health Screening Uptake: A Randomized Experiment in Indonesia - No.283: Espinoza-Delgado, Silber (2021)
A new inequality-sensitive multidimensional deprivation index (MDI) for dichotomous variables - No.282: von Grafenstein, Kumar, Kumar, Vollmer (2021)
Iron-fortified school lunch: medium-run impacts of a school nutrition intervention in India - No.281: Asmus, Gerda, Eichenauer, Vera Z., Fuchs, Andreas, Parks, Bradley (2021)
Does India Use Development Finance to Compete with China? A Subnational Analysis - No.280: Ochmann, Sophie, Owolabi, Kehinde Elijah, Olatunji-David, Folake, Okunlola, Niyi, Vollmer, Sebastian (2021)
The impact of grants in combination with school-based management trainings on primary education: A cluster-randomized trial in Northern Nigeria - No.279: Sternberg, Henrike, Steinert, Janina Isabel, Vollmer, Sebastian (2021)
On the Basis of (Mis)Trust? Spousal Trust and Trustworthiness in Household Decision Making: Experimental Evidence from India - No.278: Gehringer, Agnieszka, Klasen, Stephan, Villalobos, Carlos (2020)
Income Inequality in Europe: What role does gender inequality play? - No.277: Espinoza-Delgado, José (2020)
Monitoring progress in multi-dimensional poverty reduction: a person-focused and inequality-sensitive approach with evidence from Nicaragua - No.276: Ebert, Cara, Heesemann, Esther and Vollmer, Sebastian (2020)
Two Interventions to Promote Health and Mental Development in Early Childhood: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Rural India - No.275: Dang, Archana (2020)
Role of Time preferences in Explaining the Burden of Malnutrition: Evidence from Urban India - No.274: Bluhm, Richard, Dreher, Axel, Fuchs, Andreas, Parks, Bradley C., Strange, Austin M., and Tierney, Michael J. (2020)
Chinese Infrastructure Projects and the Diffusion of Economic Activity in Developing Countries - No. 273: Chavarría, Eliana, Diba, Farah, Marcus, Maja-Emilia, Marthoenis, Reuter, Anna, Rogge, Lisa and Vollmer, Sebastian (2020)
Knowing versus Doing: Protective Health Behavior against COVID-19 in Indonesia - No. 272: Barros, von Grafenstein, Grosse, Khan, Lenel, Orozco Garcia, Pérez-Alvarez, Santos Silva, Schupp and Strulik (2020)
The Multidimensional Stephan Klasen Exposure Index: Why Wonder Woman Should Become a Postdoc and Wear White Socks with Sandals - No. 271: Yoon, Jisu and Pasha, Atika (2020)
An alternative strategy to identify deprivations in multidimensional poverty: a partial least squares approach - No.270: Steinert, Janina Isabel, Vasumati Satish, Rucha, Stips, Felix and Vollmer, Sebastian (2020)
Commitment or Concealment? Impacts and Use of a Portable Saving Device: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Urban India - No. 269: Gehring, Langlotz and Kienberger, Stefan (2020)
Stimulant or depressant? Resource-related income shocks and conflict - No.268: Rink, Barros (2019)
Spending or Saving? Female Empowerment and Financial Decisions in a Matrilineal Society - No. 267: Priebe, Rink, Stemmler (2019)
Health shocks and risk aversion: Panel and experimental evidence from Vietnam - No. 266: Bommer, Dreher, Perez-Alvarez (2019)
Home bias in humanitarian aid: The role of regional favoritism in the allocation of international disaster relief - No. 265: Krämer, Kumar, Vollmer (2019)
Anemia, diet, and cognitive development: Impact of health information on diet quality and child nutrition in rural India - No.264: Ebert, Vollmer (2019)
Child-specific son preference, birth order and cognitive skills in early childhood - No. 263: Klasen, Stephan (2019)
From 'MeToo' to Boko Haram: A survey of levels and trends of gender inequality in the world - No. 262: Perez-Alvarez, Marcello, Favara, Marta (2019)
Maternal Age and Offspring Human Capital in India - No. 261: Kaplan, Lennart C., Kuhnt, Jana, Richert, Katharina, Vollmer, Sebastian (2019)
What Explains the Uptake of Development Interventions? - No. 260: Dotter, Caroline, Klasen, Stephan (2019)
An absolute multidimensional poverty measure in the functioning space (and relative measure in the resource space): An Illustration using Indian data - No. 259: Purushotham, Mittal, Ashwini, Umesh, von Cramon-Taubadel, Vollmer (2018)
A quantile regression analysis of dietary diversity and anthropometric outcomes among children and women in the rural-urban interface of India - No. 258: Bettin, Wollni (2018)
Livelihood Environmentalism to Tunnel a Psychological Environmental Kuznets Curve - No. 257: Steinhübel, Wegmann, Mußhoff (2018)
Digging deep and running dry – the adoption of borewell technology in the face of climate change and urbanization - No. 256: Steinhübel (2018)
Somewhere in between towns, markets, and neighbors – Agricultural transition in the rural-urban interface of Bangalore, India - No. 255: Minasyan, Zenker, Klasen, Vollmer (2018)
Educational Gender Gaps and Economic Growth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis - No. 254: Klasen, Vollmer (2018)
A Flow Measure of Missing Women by Age and Disease - No. 253: Klasen, Pieters, Santos Silva, Le (2018)
What Drives Female Labor Force Participation? Comparable Micro-level Evidence from Eight Developing and Emerging Economies - No. 252: Santos Silva, Klasen (2018)
Gender Inequality as a Barrier to Economic Growth: a Review of the Theoretical Literature - No. 251: Banerjee, Klasen (2018)
Mothers’ status, food price shock and Child Nutrition in Karnataka - No. 250: Banerjee, Klasen (2018)
Intrahousehold allocations by mothers to children: The role of observability - No. 249: Khan, Klasen (2018)
Female employment and Spousal abuse: A parallel cross-country analysis of 35 developing countries - No. 248: Sahoo, Klasen (2018)
Gender Segregation in Education and Its Implications for Labour Market Outcomes: Evidence from India - No. 247: Krämer, Kumar, Vollmer (2018)
Improving Children Health and Cognition: Evidence from School-Based Nutrition Intervention in India - No. 246: Klasen (2018)
What explains uneven Female Labor Force Participation Levels and Trends in Developing Countries? - No. 245: Kan, Klasen (2018)
Evaluating UPE in Uganda: school fee abolition and educational outcomes - No. 244: Klasen (2018)
The impact of gender inequality on economic performance in developing Countries - No. 243: Kuhnt, Rischke, David, Lechtenfeld (2017)
Social cohesion in times of forced displacement – the case of young people in Jordan - No. 242: Vollmer, Wójcik (2017)
The long-term consequences of the global 1918 influenza pandemic: A systematic analysis of 117 IPUMS international census data sets - No. 241: Santos Silva, Alexander, Klasen, Welzel (2017)
The Roots of Female Emancipation: From Perennial Cool Water via Pre-industrial Late Marriages to Postindustrial Gender Equality - No. 240: Hohberg, Landau, Kneib, Klasen, Zucchini (2017)
Vulnerability to poverty revisited: flexible modeling and better predictive performance - No. 239: Sarkar, Sahoo, Klasen (2017)
Employment Transitions of Women in India: A Panel Analysis - No. 238: Chakravarty, Lundberg, Nikolov, Zenker (2017)
The Value of Skill Training Programs for Self-Employment, Entrepreneurship and Non-Cognitive Traits. Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design - No. 237: Scholl (2017)
An Index of Inter-Industry Wage Inequality: Trends, Comparisons, and Robustness - No. 236: Klasen and Minasyan (2017)
The Impact of Affirmative Action on the Gendered Occupational Segregation in South Africa - No. 235: Espinoza-Delgado and Klasen (2017)
Gender and Multidimensional Poverty in Nicaragua, An Individual-based Approach - No. 234: Filipiak, Grohmann, Heyerhorst (2017)
Female empowerment, cultural effects and savings: Empirical evidence from India - No. 233: Dotter, Klasen (2017)
The Multidimensional Poverty Index: Achievements, Conceptual and Empirical Issues - No. 232: Dotter (2017)
Can the World Bank's International Poverty Line reflect extreme poverty? - No. 231: Silbersdorff, Lynch, Klasen, Kneib (2017)
Reconsidering the Income-Illness Relationship using Distributional Regression: An Application to Germany - No. 230: Crespo Cuaresma, Klasen, Wacker (2017)
Is there poverty convergence? - No. 229: Chandrasekhar, Sahoo, Swaminathan (2017)
Seasonal Migration and Feminization of Farm Management: Evidence from India - No. 228: Schneider and Schlather (2017)
A New Approach to Treatment Assignment for One and Multiple Treatment Groups - No. 227: Hettig, Lay, van Treeck, Bruness, Nur Asih, Nuryartono (2017)
Cash crops as a sustainable pathway out of poverty? Panel data evidence on the heterogeneity of cocoa farmers in Sulawesi, Indonesia - No. 226: Steinert, Zenker, Filipiak, Movsisyan, Cluver, Shenderovich (2017)
Do Saving Promotion Interventions Help Alleviate Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - No. 225: Dunker, Eckle, Proksch, Schmidt-Hieber (2017)
Tests for qualitative features in the random coefficients model - No. 224: Dunker, Hoderlein, Kaido (2017)
Nonparametric Identification of Random Coefficients in Endogenous and Heterogeneous Aggregate Demand - No. 223: Renner (2017)
Poverty and distributional effects of a carbon tax in Mexico - No. 222: Borrowman and Klasen (2017)
Drivers of gendered sectoral and occupational segregation in developing countries - No. 221: Asiedu and Gross (2017)
Can differences in benefits affect group investment into irrigation projects? Experimental Evidence from Northern Ghana - No. 220: Klasen (2017)
UNDP's Gender-related measures: Current problems and proposals for fixing them - No. 219: Treeck, Wacker (2017)
Financial Globalization and the Labor Share in Developing Countries: The Type of Capital Matters - No. 218: Klasen, Mbegalo (2016)
The Impact of Livestock Ownership on Solar Home System Adoption in the Northern and Western Regions of Rural Tanzania - No. 217: Mbegalo (2016)
The Impact of Food Price Changes and Land Policy Reforms on Household Welfare in Rural Tanzania - No. 216: Mbegalo, Yu (2016)
The Impact of Food Prices on Household Welfare and Poverty in Rural Tanzania - No. 215: Minasyan (2016)
US Aid, US educated Leaders and Economic Ideology - No. 214: Lange, Klasen (2016)
How the New International Goal for Child Mortality is Unfair to Sub-Saharan Africa (Again) - No. 213: Klasen, Lange (2016)
How Narrowly Should Anti-poverty Programs Be Targeted? Simulation Evidence from Bolivia and Indonesia - No. 212: Rudolph (2016)
Pension programs around the world: Determinants of social pension - No. 211: Klasen (2016)
Gender, Institutions, and Economic Development: Findings and Open Research and Policy Issues - No. 210: Günther, Grosse, Klasen (2016)
How to attract an audience at a conference: Paper, person or place? - No. 209: Klasen, Scholl, Lahoti, Ochmann, Vollmer (2016)
Inequality - Worldwide Trends and Current Debates - No. 208: Pasha (2016)
Impact of Cash Grants on Multidimensional Poverty in South Africa - No. 207: Trenczek (2016)
Promoting Growth-Enhancing Structural Change: Evidence from a Panel of African, Asian, and Latin American Countries - No. 206: Kan (2016)
Improving health in Tajikistan: remittances trump other income - No. 205: Scholl, Klasen (2016)
Re-estimating the Relationship between Inequality and Growth - No. 204: Oikonomikou (2016c)
Modeling Financial Market Volatility in Transition Markets: A Multivariate Case - No. 203: Oikonomikou (2016b)
Comparing the market risk premia forecasts in JSE and NYSE equity markets - No. 202: Oikonomikou (2016a)
Forecasting the Market Risk Premium with Artificial Neural Networks - No. 201: Klasen, Reimers (2016)
Looking at Pro-Poor Growth from an Agricultural Perspective - No. 200: Klasen, Lahoti (2016)
How Serious is the Neglect of Intra-Household Inequality in Multi-dimensional Poverty Indices? - No. 199: Ibanez, Vasquez (2016)
Can we fight drugs using communication campaigns? A framed field experiment - No. 198: Herrmann, Zenker (2016)
Risk-type and preference-based selection and stability of funeral insurance associations in Thailand - No. 197: Minos (2016b)
"Eat, my child". Overweight and obesity among children in developing countries - No. 196: Minos (2016a)
Overweight and obesity in low- and middle income countries: A panel-data analysis - No. 195: Kolo (2016)
A dissimilarity-adjusted index of ethnic diversity:
Measurement and implications for findings on conflict, growth and trade - No. 194: Lahoti, Jayadev, Reddy (2015)
The Global Consumption and Income Project (GCIP): An Overview - No. 193: Jayadev, Lahoti, Reddy (2015)
The Middle Muddle: Conceptualizing and Measuring the Global Middle Class - No. 192: Dunker (2015)
Convergence of the risk for nonparametric IV quantile regression and nonparametric IV regression with full independence - No. 191: Banerjee, Ibanez, Riener, Wollni (2015)
Volunteering to Take on Power: Experimental Evidence from Matrilineal and Patriarchal Societies in India - No. 190: Scholl (2015)
The Impact of Trade on Wage Inequality in Developing Countries: Technology vs. Comparative Advantage - No. 189: Reddy, Lahoti (2015)
$1.90 Per Day: What Does it Say? - No. 188: Pasha (2015)
Regional Perspectives to the Multidimensional Poverty Index - No. 187: Darmawan, Klasen, Nuryartono (2015)
Migration and Deforestation in Indonesia - No. 186: Irfany, Klasen, Yusuf (2015)
The consumption-based carbon footprint of households in Sulawesi, Jambi and Indonesia as a whole in 2013 - No. 185: Gehring, Michaelowa, Dreher, Spörri (2015)
Do we know what we think we know? Aid fragmentation and effectiveness revisited - No. 184: Klasen, Krivobokova, Greb, Lahoti, Pasaribu, Wiesenfarth (2015)
International Income Poverty Measurement: Which way now? - No. 183: Lo Bue (2015)
The Nutrition-Learning Nexus: Evidence from Indonesia - No. 182: Laura Metzger, Isabel Günther (2015)
Making an impact? The relevance of information on aid effectiveness for charitable giving. A laboratory experiment - No. 181: Kreibaum, Klasen (2015)
Missing Men: Differential Effects of War and Socialism on Female Labour Force Participation in Vietnam - No. 180: Bönte, Filipiak, Lombardo (2015)
Get in with a Foreigner: Consumer Trust in Domestic and Foreign Banks - No. 179: Fuchs, Gehring (2015)
The Home Bias in Sovereign Ratings - No. 178: Klasen, Meyer, Dislich, Euler, Faust, Gatto, Hettig, Melati, Jaya, Otten, Perez, Steinebach, Tarigan, Wiegand (2015)
Economic and ecological trade-offs of agricultural specialization at different spatial scales - No. 177: Irfany (2015)
Inequality in emissions: Evidence from Indonesian households - No. 176: Filipiak, Walle (2015)
The Financial Literacy Gender Gap: A Question of Nature or Nurture? - No. 175: Strange, Parks, Tierney, Fuchs, Dreher (2015)
Tracking Under-Reported Financial Flows: China?s Development Finance and the Aid-Conflict Nexus Revisited - No. 174: Jayadev, Lahoti, Reddy (2015)
Who got what, then and now? A Fifty Year Overview from the Global Consumption and Income Project - No. 173: Yoon, Klasen (2015)
An Application of Partial Least Squares to the Construction of the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) and the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) - No. 172: Yoon, Krivobokova (2015)
Treatments of Non-metric Variables in Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Analysis - No. 171: Yoon, Klasen, Dreher, Krivobokova (2015)
Composite Indices Based on Partial Least Squares - No. 170: Gehring, Kauffeldt, Vadlamannati (2015)
Crime, Incentives and Political Effort: A Model and Empirical Application for India - No. 169: Zattler (2015)
The Debate on Growing Inequality - Implications for Developing Countries and International Co-operation - No. 168: Davies, Klasen (2015)
Of Donor Coordination, Free-Riding, Darlings, and Orphans: The dependence of bilateral aid on other bilateral giving - No. 167: Minasyan (2015)
Your development or mine? Effects of donor-recipient cultural differences on the aid-growth nexus - No. 166: Harttgen, Klasen, Rischke (2015)
Analyzing Nutritional Impacts of Price and Income Related Shocks in Malawi: Simulating Household Entitlements to Food - No. 165: Dietrich, Ibanez (2015)
Impact of Weather Insurance on Small Scale Farmers: A Natural Experiment - No. 164: Klasen, Lange (2014)
Accuracy and Poverty Impacts of Proxy Means-Tested Transfers: An Empirical Assessment for Bolivia - No. 163: Lange, von Werder (2014)
The Effects of Delayed Tracking: Evidence from German States - No. 162: Lange, Reimers (2014)
Livestock as an Imperfect Buffer Stock in Poorly Integrated Markets - No. 161: Irfany (2014)
Affluence and emission trade-offs: evidence from Indonesian household carbon footprint - No. 160: Ahmed, Mughal (2014)
How do consumption patterns of foreign and domestic remittance recipients and non recipients compare? Evidence from Pakistan - No. 159: Gross, Günther (2014)
Why don't households invest in latrines: health, prestige, or safety? - No. 158: Seriño (2014)
Do Philippine Households Lead a Carbon Intensive Lifestyle? - No. 157: Lechtenfeld, Zoch (2014)
Income Convergence in South Africa: Fact or Measurement Error? - No. 156: Lechtenfeld, Lohmann (2014)
The Effect of Drought on Health Outcomes and Health Expenditures in Rural Vietnam - No. 155: Lo Bue (2014)
What drives child health improvements in Indonesian households? A micro-level perspective on complementarities in MDG achievements - No. 154: Metzger, Günther (2013)
Analyzing Effectiveness of Development Aid Projects: Evaluation Ratings or Project Indicators? - No. 153: Crespo Cuaresma, Klasen, Wacker (2013)
Why We Don't See Poverty Convergence: The Role of Macroeconomic Volatility - No. 152: Butzlaff, Grunewald, Klasen (2013)
Regional Agreements to Address Climate Change: Scope, Promise, Funding, and Impacts - No. 151: Merkle, Ihle, Kachel, Liebe (2013)
Economic cooperation despite of political conflict: Israeli traders? perception of Israeli-Palestinian food trade - No. 150: Ibanez, Riener, Rai (2013)
Sorting Through Affirmative Action: Two Field Experiments in Colombia - No. 149: Ibanez, Schaffland (2013)
The Effect of Outside Leaders on the Performance of the Organization: An Experiment - No. 148: Ibanez (2013)
Is the war on drugs working? Examining the Colombian case using micro data - No. 147: Trommlerová, Klasen, Lessmann (2013)
Determinants of Empowerment in a Capability Based Poverty Approach: Evidence from The Gambia - No. 146: Klasen, Pieters (2013)
What explains the stagnation of female labor force participation in urban India? - No. 145: Darmawan, Klasen (2013)
Elite Capture in Urban Development: Evidence from Indonesia - No. 144: Günther, Harttgen (2013)
Desired Fertility and Children Born across Time and Space - No. 143: Lenze, Klasen (2013)
The Impact of Women?s Labour Force Participation on Domestic Violence in Jordan - No. 142: Handschuch, Wollni (2013)
Traditional food crop marketing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does gender matter? - No. 141: Handschuch, Wollni (2013)
Improved production systems for traditional food crops: The case of finger millet in Western Kenya. - No. 140: Noe (2013)
Determinants of the Duration and Ending of Terrorist and Other Non-State Armed Groups - No. 139: Friesen, Wacker (2013)
Do Financially Constrained Firms Suffer from More Intense Competition by the Informal Sector? Firm-Level Evidence from the World Bank Enterprise Surveys - No. 138: Sathe, Klasen, Priebe, Biniwale (2013)
Does Having a Female Sarpanch Promote Service Delivery for Women and Democratic Participation of Women? Evidence from Maharashtra, India - No. 137: Davies, Klasen (2013)
Of Donor Coordination, Free-Riding, Darlings, and Orphans: The dependence of bilateral aid on other bilateral giving - No. 136: Noe, Rieckmann (2013)
Violent Behaviour: The effect of civil conflict on domestic violence in Colombia - No. 135: Gheyssens, Günther (2013)
Conditional cooperation among the poor: a new profile? - No. 134: Gross, Günther, Schipper (2013)
Women: Walking and Waiting for Water
The Time Value of Public Water Supply - No. 133: Klasen, Vollmer (2013)
Missing Women: Age and Disease: A Correction - No. 132: Rippin (2012)
Operationalising the Capability Approach:
A German Correlation Sensitive Poverty Index - No. 131: Rosales, Krivobokova (2012)
Instant Trend-Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series with Splines - No. 130: Schwarz, Krivobokova (2012)
A unified framework for spline estimators - No. 129: Cooray, Gaddis, Wacker (2012)
Globalization and Female Labor Force Participation in Developing Countries: An Empirical (Re-)Assessment - No. 128: Rippin (2012)
Distributional Justice and Efficiency:
Integrating Inequality Within and Between Dimensions in Additive Poverty Indices - No. 127: Wiesenfarth, Hisgen, Kneib, Cadarso-Suarez (2012)
Bayesian Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Regression based on Penalized Splines and Dirichlet Process Mixtures - No. 126: Lo Bue, Klasen (2012)
Identifying synergies and complementarities between MDGs: Results from cluster analysis - No. 125: Greb, Jamora, Mengel, von Cramon-Taubadel, Würriehausen (2012)
Price transmission from international to domestic markets - No. 124: Hashimoto, Wacker (2012)
The Role of Risk and Information for International Capital Flows: New Evidence from the SDDS - No. 123: Klasen (2012)
Policy Note
MDGs post-2015: What to do? - No. 122: Gaddis, Demery (2012)
Benefit incidence analysis, needs and demography.
Measurement issues and an empirical study for Kenya - No. 121: Fuchs, Dreher, Nunnenkamp (2012)
Determinants of Donor Generosity:
A Survey of the Aid Budget Literature - No. 120: Kuhn, Prettner (2012)
Growth and welfare effects of health care in knowledge based economies - No. 119: Lechtenfeld (2012)
Why does piped water not reduce diarrhea for children?
Evidence from urban Yemen - No. 118: Landau, Klasen, Zucchini (2012)
Measuring Vulnerability to Poverty Using Long-Term Panel Data - No. 117: Kikulwe, Kabunga, Qaim (2012)
Impact of tissue culture banana technology in Kenya:
A difference-in-difference estimation approach - No. 116: Strulik (2012)
From Worship to Worldly Pleasures:
Secularization and Long-Run Economic Growth - No. 115: Yu (2012)
A Simple Approach to Specifying the Weights of the HDI Ind - No. 114: Harttgen, Vollmer (2012)
A Reversal in the Relationship of Human Development with Fertility? - No. 113: Tian, Yu (2012)
The Enigmas of TFP in China: A Meta-Analysis - No. 112: Li, Yu, Zeng, Holst (2012)
Estimating transport costs and trade barriers in China: Direct evidence from Chinese agricultural traders - No. 111: Lambarraa, Riener (2012)
On the Norms of Charitable Giving in Islam: A Field Experiment - No. 110: Klasen, Lechtenfeld, Meier, Rieckmann (2012)
Benefits trickling away: The health impact of extending access to piped water and sanitation in urban Yemen - No. 109: Harttgen, Klasen, Vollmer (2012)
An African Growth Miracle? Or: What do Asset Indices Tell Us about Trends in Economic Performance? - No. 108: Aytimur, Boukouras, Schwager (2012)
Voting as a Signaling Device - No. 107: Kumar, Vollmer (2011)
Does Improved Sanitation Reduce Diarrhea in Children in Rural India? - No. 106: Rudolf (2012)
Rural Reforms, Agricultural Productivity, and the Biological Standard of Living in South Korea, 1941-1974 - No. 105: Kouser, Qaim (2012)
Valuing financial, health, and environmental benefits of Bt cotton in Pakistan - No. 104: Grimm, Lange, Lay (2011)
Credit-constrained in risky activities? The determinants of capital stocks of micro and small firms in Western Africa - No. 103: Greb, v. Cramon-Taubadel, Krivobokova, Munk (2011)
The estimation of threshold models in price transmission analysis - No. 102: Klasen, Lechtenfeld, Meier, Rieckmann (2011)
Impact Evaluation Report: Water Supply and Sanitation in Provincial Towns in Yemen - No. 101: Rudolf, Kang (2011)
Adaptation under Traditional Gender Roles:
Testing the Baseline Hypothesis in South Korea - No. 100: Ihle, Götz, Rubin (2011)
State-Space Cointegration Modeling for the Analysis of Exogenous Shocks to Prices in Israeli-Palestinian Food Trade - No. 99: Greb, Krivobokova, Munk, von Cramon-Taubadel (2011)
Regularized Bayesian estimation in generalized threshold regression models. - No. 98: Wacker, Vadlamannati (2011)
Do Multinationals Influence Labor Standards?
A Close Look at US Outward FDI - No. 97: Hernandez, Rudolph (2011)
Modern Day Slavery:
What Drives Human Trafficking in Europe? - No. 96: Cho, Dreher, Neumayer (2011)
Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking? - No. 95: Köhler, Schindler, Sperlich (2011)
A Review and Comparison of Bandwidth Selection Methods for Kernel Regression - No. 94: Köhler, Sperlich, Vortmeyer (2011)
The Africa-Dummy in Growth Regressions - No. 93: Dreher, Fuchs (2011)
Rogue Aid? The Determinants of China's Aid Allocation - No. 92: Grunewald, Klasen, Martínez-Zarzoso, Muris (2011)
Income inequality and carbon emissions - No. 91: Greb, Klasen, Pasaribu, Wiesenfarth (2011)
Dollar a Day Re-Revisited - No. 90: Reimers, Klasen (2011)
Revisiting the Role of Education for Agricultural Productivity - No. 89: Kabunga, Dubois, Qaim (2011)
Impact of Tissue Culture Banana Technology on Farm Household Income and Food Security in Kenya - No. 88: de Haen, Klasen, Qaim (2011)
What do we really know? Metrics for food insecurity and undernutrition - No. 87: Klasen, Lange (2011)
Getting Progress Right: Measuring Progress Towards the MDGs Against Historical Trends - No. 86: Dreher, Fuchs (2011)
Does terror increase aid? - No. 85: Krivobokova (2011)
Smoothing parameter selection in two frameworks for penalized splines - No. 84: Schaffland (2011)
Conditional Cash Transfers in Brazil: Treatment Evaluation of the 'Bolsa Família' Program on Education - No. 83: Nunnenkamp, Öhler, Schwörer (2011)
US based NGOs in International Development Cooperation: Survival of the Fittest? - No. 82: Kabunga, Dubois, Qaim (2011)
Yield Effects of Tissue Culture Bananas in Kenya: Accounting for Selection Bias and the Role of Complementary Inputs - No. 81: Dreher, Nunnenkamp, Vadlamannati (2011)
The Role of Country-of-origin Characteristics for Foreign Direct Investment and Technical Cooperation in Post-reform India - No. 80: Kathage, Qaim (2011)
Are the economic benefits of Bt cotton sustainable? Evidence from Indian panel data - No. 79: Boukouras (2011)
Separation of Ownership and Control:
Delegation as a Commitment Device - No. 78: Dreher, Vreeland(2011)
Buying Votes and International Organizations - No. 77: Rudolf, Cho (2011)
The Gender-Specific Effect of Working Hours on Family Happiness in South Korea - No. 76: Klasen, Lechtenfeld, Povel (2011)
What about the Women? Female Headship, Poverty and Vulnerability in Thailand and Vietnam - No. 75: Harttgen, Klasen (2011)
A Human Development Index at the Household Level - No. 74: Kabunga, Dubois, Qaim (2011)
Information Asymmetries and Technology Adoption:
The Case of Tissue Culture Bananas in Kenya - No. 73: Cho (2011)
Integrating Equality - Globalization, Women?s Rights, Son Preference and Human Trafficking - No. 72: Nunnenkamp, Öhler (2011)
Donations to US based NGOs in International Development Cooperation: How (Un-)Informed Are Private Donors? - No. 71: Gaddis, Klasen (2012)
Economic Development, Structural Change and Women?s Labor Force Participation
A Reexamination of the Feminization U Hypothesis - No. 70: Yu, Zeng, Liu (2011)
Consumer Willingness to Pay for Preservative-Free Food: The Case of Beijing - No. 69: Gao, Yu, Lee (2011)
Consumer Demand for Healthy Diet: New Evidence from the Healthy Eating Index - No. 68: Holst, Yu, Grün (2011)
Climate Change, Risk and Grain Production in China - No. 67: Tian, Yu (2011)
The Quality Gravity Model with an Application to Chinese Imported Fruits - No. 66: Meyer, Yu (2011)
World Food Prices after WTO Foundation: Deterministic and Non-deterministic Factors in Production - No. 65: Yu, Gao (2011)
Consumer Preferences for Country-of-Origin of U.S. Beef Products: A Meta Analysis - No. 64: Holst, Yu (2011)
Climate Change and Production Risk in Chinese Aquaculture - No. 63: Yu, Abler, Peng (2011)
Dancing with the Dragon Heads: Enforcement, Innovations and Efficiency of Contracts between Agricultural Processors and Farmers in China - No. 62: Boukouras, Koufopoulos (2011)
Information Aggregation and Adverse Selection - No. 61: Boukouras (2011)
Contract Law and Development - No. 60: Boukouras, Koufopoulos (2011)
Separation of Powers, Political Competition and Efficient Provision of Public Goods - No. 59: Boukouras, Koufopoulos (2011)
Frictions to Political Competition and Financial Openness - No. 58: Boukouras, Koufopoulos (2011)
Political Competition, Ideology and Corruption - No. 57: Shiferaw, Hailu (2010)
Aid-Dependency and Attributes of an Aid-Exit Strategy - No. 56: Shiferaw (2010)
Multi-product Firms and Product Basket Adjustments in Ethiopian Manufacturing - No. 55: Vollmer, Holzmann, Ketterer, Klasen (2010)
Distribution Dynamics of Regional GDP per Employee in Unified Germany - No. 54: Ihle, v. Cramon-Taubadel (2010)
Price Dynamics in Tanzanian Maize Markets:
Insights from a Semiparametric Cointegration Model - No. 53: Ihle, Amikuzuno (2010)
Assessing Seasonal Asymmetric Price Transmission in Ghanaian Tomato Markets with the Johansen Estimation Method - No. 52: Günther, Harttgen (2010)
Deadly Cities? A Note on Spatial Inequalities in Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa - No. 51: Nivievskyi, v. Cramon-Taubadel, Zorya (2010)
Stages of Agricultural Commercialization in Uganda:
The Role of the Markets - No. 50: Wiesenfarth, Krivobokova, Klasen, Sperlich (2010)
Direct Simultaneous Inference in Additive Models and its Application to Model Undernutrition - No. 49: Nowak-Lehmann, Martínez-Zarzoso, Cardozo, Herzer, Klasen (2010)
Foreign Aid and Recipient Countries? Exports:
Does Aid Promote Bilateral Trade? - No. 48: Fischer, Qaim (2010)
Linking Smallholders to Markets:
Determinants and Impacts of Farmer Collective Action in Kenya - No. 47: Rippin (2010)
Poverty Severity in a Multidimensional Framework:
The Issue of Inequality between Dimensions - No. 46: Subramanian (2010)
Identifying the Income-Poor:
Some Controversies in India and Elsewhere - No. 45: Priebe (2010)
Child Costs and the Causal Effect of Fertility on Female Labor Supply: An investigation for Indonesia 1993-2008 - No. 44: Povel (2010)
Vulnerability to Downside Risk and Poverty in Vietnam - No. 43: Povel (2010)
Perceived Vulnerability to Downside Risk - No. 42: Nunnenkamp, Öhler (2010)
Throwing Foreign Aid at HIV/AIDS in Developing Countries:
Missing the Target? - No. 41: Harttgen, Klasen (2010)
Fragility and MDG Progress: How useful is the Fragility Concept? - No. 40: Ibáñez (2010)
Who crops coca and why? The case of Colombian farmers - No. 39: Ibáñez (2010)
Adoption of certified organic technologies:
The case of coffee farming in Colombia - No. 38: Nunnenkamp, Öhler (2010)
Funding, Competition and the Efficiency of NGOs:
An Empirical Analysis of Non-charitable Expenditure of US NGOs Engaged in Foreign Aid - No. 37: Nguefack-Tsague, Klasen, Zucchini (2010)
On weighting the components of the Human Development Index: A statistical justification - No. 36: Dreher, Sturm, Vreeland (2010)
Does membership on the UN Security Council influence IMF conditionality? - No. 35: Misselhorn (2010)
Undernutrition and the Nutrition Transition:
Revising the undernutrition aspect of MDG I - No. 34: Öhler, Nunnenkamp, Dreher (2010)
Does Conditionality Work?
A Test for an Innovative US Aid Scheme - No. 33: Klasen, Priebe, Rudolf (2010)
Cash Crop Choice and Income Dynamics in Rural Areas:
Evidence for Post-Crisis Indonesia - No. 32: Gräb, Priebe (2010)
Low Malnutrition but High Mortality:
Explaining the Puzzle of the Lake Victoria Region - No. 31: Ehlert, Schlather (2010)
A Constructive Proof for the Extremal Coefficient of a Dissipative Max-Stable Process on ? being a Set Covariance - No. 30: Ehlert, Schlather (2010)
Some Results for Extreme Value Processes in Analogy to the Gaussian Spectral Representation - No. 29: Dreher, Nunnenkamp, Öhler (2010)
Why it pays for aid recipients to take note of the Millennium Challenge Corporation: Other donors do! - No. 28: Rao, Qaim (2010)
Supermarkets, farm household income, and poverty:
Insights from Kenya - No. 27: Kumase, Bisseleua, Klasen (2010)
Opportunities and constraints in agriculture:
A gendered analysis of cocoa production in Southern Cameroon - No. 26: Dreher, Klasen, Vreeland, Werker (2010)
The costs of favoritism: Is politically-driven aid less effective? - No. 25: Dreher, Nunnenkamp, Thiele (2010)
Are 'New' Donors Different?
Comparing the Allocation of Bilateral Aid between Non-DAC and DAC Donor Countries - No. 24: Branisa, Ziegler (2010)
Reexamining the link between gender and corruption:
The role of social institutions - No. 23: Dreher, Nunnenkamp, Thiel, Thiele (2009)
Aid Allocation by German NGOs: Does the Degree of Public Refinancing Matter? - No. 22: Shiferaw, Bedi(2010)
The Dynamics of Job Creation and Job Destruction:
Is Sub-Saharan Africa Different? - No. 21: Grosse, Klasen, Spatz (2009)
Matching Household Surveys with DHS Data to Create Nationally Representative Time Series of Poverty:
An Application to Bolivia - No. 20: Bjørnskov, Dreher, Fischer, Schnellenbach (2009)
On the relation between income inequality and happiness:
Do fairness perceptions matter? - No. 19: Hartwig, Grimm (2009)
An Assessment of the Effects of the 2002 Food Crisis on Children's Health in Malawi - No. 18: Rao, Qaim (2009)
Farmer participation in supermarket channels and technical efficiency:
The case of vegetable production in Kenya - No. 17: Ibanez, Carlsson (2009)
A survey-based choice experiment on coca cultivation - No. 16: Nunnenkamp, Öhler (2009)
Aid Allocation through Various Official and Private Channels:
Need, Merit and Self-Interest as Motives of German Donors - No. 15: Branisa, Klasen, Ziegler (2009)
Why we should all care about social institutions related to gender inequality - No. 14: Grimm, Klasen (2009)
Endogenous Institutional Change and Economic Development:
A Micro-Level Analysis of Transmission Channels - No. 13: Wollni, Brümmer (2009)
Productive efficiency of specialty and conventional coffee farmers in Costa Rica:
Accounting for technological heterogeneity and self-selection - No. 12: Krivobokova, Kneib, Claeskens (2009)
Simultaneous Confidence Bands for Penalized Spline Estimators - No. 11: Klasen (2009)
Levels and Trends in Absolute Poverty in the World:
What we know and what we don?t - No. 10: Branisa, Klasen, Ziegler(2009)
New Measures of Gender Inequality:
The Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) and its Subindices - No. 9: Cardozo, Grosse (2009)
Pro-Poor Growth Using Non-Income Indicators:
An Empirical Illustration for Colombia - No. 8: Harttgen, Klasen, Misselhorn (2009)
Pro-Poor Progress in Education in Developing Countries? - No. 7: Nowak-Lehmann, Martínez Zarzoso, Klasen, Herzer (2009)
Aid and Trade - A Donor?s Perspective - No. 6: Grimm, Harttgen, Klasen, Misselhorn, Munzi, Smeeding (2009)
Inequality in Human Development:
An empirical assessment of thirty-two countries - No. 5: Harttgen, Klasen (2009)
A Human Development Index by Internal Migrational Status - No. 4: Marchesi, Sabani, Dreher (2009)
Read my lips: the role of information transmission in multilateral reform design - No. 3: Williamson (2009)
History without Evidence:
Latin American Inequality since 1491 - No. 2: Shiferaw (2009)
Which Firms Invest Less Under Uncertainty?
Evidence from Ethiopian Manufacturing - No.1: Dreher, Nunnenkamp, Öhler, Weisser (2009)
Acting Autonomously or Mimicking the State and Peers?
A Panel Tobit Analysis of Financial Dependence and Aid Allocation by Swiss NGOs